When life is out of control, is it really that easy to roll your lips, blow a whistle and say all is well? Many would believe so. And I'm sure there are some who have found it to be true. But what of those who can't whistle? Of those who don't have a song on their lips or a tune in their hearts? Of those who can't paint, who can't dance, who cannot find rhythm? Of those who eat, but cannot cook? Of those who clap but are never clapped for? What of them? Why must only a few be celebrated by the uncelebrated masses? Is it because the "uncelebrated masses" do not have a bias for action? Those who succeed apparently started somewhere. And kept on trying till they succeeded. Like the proverbial ant. Or was it a spider? But the spider and the ant know what they want. A cobweb. Or the piece of sugar. What if you have a cobweb to stay in and a guaranteed source of sugar? And you do want to do something, but do not know what, much less how? Is it always easy...
Its not easy being me... Full of contradictions, its quite a task keeping my various view points in life in sync with logical reasoning